October 16, 2016 - "Are You Going To Vote?"

Published on 12 April 2024 at 22:10

Chaplain’s Corner

October 16, 2016

Are You Going to Vote?

Greetings Patriots!

I guess it's time for me to take a stand. I seem to be surrounded by people who say we do not have any good candidates available in this election.

I will be the first to say that when the primaries were going on, I was a big Cruz supporter. I also said, early on, that though I was not a fan of Trump, if he did get the nomination, I would vote for him, mainly as a vote against Hillary. I said something to the effect of gagging and holding my nose while voting for him.

Through the last months, I have watched the country be ripped apart by this voting cycle. I have seen so much mud being slung, and lies being told. I have seen the Republican Party prove that they have been taken over by RINOs who are not concerned with Conservatism, or the Constitution. They are being corrupted from the inside, and their original party values are being left by the wayside in favor of political correctness and keeping the status quo in "good ol' boy politics."

I have actually renounced my membership in the Republican Party and now stand as an Independent. I have nothing in common with the Democrats, and will never support anyone they put forth, because we are diametrically opposed right off the bat on the basics of morality and a strict moral absolute in the Universe. I will support the Republican Party when the candidate is truly Conservative, and wants to turn our country around and back to the values we once had that once made this the greatest nation on earth.

The nation that was founded by men and women who accepted the sovereignty of the God Who created the Universe, and Who Authored the genetic code, and Who set moral absolutes that humans would be born with, an innate feeling and understanding that some things are just wrong. Period. And some things are purely beautiful and right. God gave us the ability to choose for ourselves who we would put on the throne of our hearts, but he did not shield us from the consequences of our wrong choices and rebellion against a pure, loving, perfect God.

By deciding that we can make our own decisions about right and wrong, moral and immoral, we have tried to take God out of the equation and replace Him as Ruler of our lives. Now, we as a people, as a nation, are paying the price. Corporately, as a nation, we have sinned against God. Individually, there are those of us who have never left Him, and cry over the state of our sinful country. However, you have to ask the obvious question: What did YOU do to try to keep this country on track? What did YOU do to give alternatives in the voting process that would reflect real Christian and moral values? Did you vote your Christian conscience? Or did you stay at home and say that none of the choices were any good? Is it all or none for you, or will you save who and what you can?

When the Titanic sank, there were not enough lifeboats for everyone. That was painfully obvious. Was the decision made then, that since they could not save all of the passengers, there was no reason to try to save some of them? As many as possible? No! They launched the lifeboats and tried to save as many as possible, even though many knew they were going to die in the process. They loved life enough to give theirs up so others could live.

How about today? What happens when we don't have a perfect candidate? Do we shoot ourselves in the foot and say that if we can't have perfection, then we will not vote at all? Aren't you willing to do whatever you can, for as many as you can, to save life and liberty?

Are people really so blind as to their rights, privileges, and responsibilities that they do not understand that we have to do our best every time, even if it is not perfect? We have let our country sink into the abyss of apathy and loss of love for what is moral and right. We piously think that we are following God in not accepting the death penalty even for convicted murderers, yet we turn right around and talk about unborn babies as a "fetus" and a "potential life" and have no issues with flushing their body parts down the toilet after they have been ripped apart inside their mother's womb. Sacrilege!

How can we look at the God of the Bible, who told us not to murder, but also insisted on justice for people who were murdered, by stoning the murderers to death as judgement of their crimes; this same God being the one Who said if you caused a pregnant woman to miscarry or lose the baby, you would be guilty of murder. This God Who said in Jeremiah 1: 5, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” Or, in Jeremiah 29: 11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Or where King David said, in Psalm 139: 13, 14, "For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Where do you stand on the rights to worship God in freedom? Not to be dictated to by the Government as to what you can or cannot believe? Where do you stand on Christian bakers and florists and photographers, and other small business owners being ruined and put out of business due to their simply wanting to follow their Christian conscience and not participate in and give support to acts that go against their relationship with God?

Our out-of-control Government and the racial issues and the complete lack of morals or respect for authority can all be traced back to people not keeping close to God, not supporting his moral standard, and not working against a growing culture of disbelief that has rocked our country to it's knees. Satan has truly taken hold in our culture, and if Christians want to see any chance of it getting better, we have two choices.

First, and foremost, we pray daily for God's Kingdom to come, and for His will to be done here on earth, as it is in heaven. God will take control of earth's affairs in His due time. However, we know neither the hour nor the day. So:

Second, we take every opportunity, every day, to make our world a better place. We share our faith. We show the love of Christ. We have a moral compass and live by it. We love the sinners but hate the sin. We work toward protecting the unborn, preserving our rights to preach the God News of the Gospel, and worship God openly and without fear of recompense or persecution from our Government. We obey Caesar's laws, and pay our taxes. Where Caesar seeks to overstep God's laws, we obey God as ruler rather than man, and we seek to change those laws and lawmakers that would pervert our morality. We strive to keep supporting and electing people who will represent us as we use our God-given freedoms to advance the Kingdom interests.

So, are you going to say we have no real choice? I respect you if you feel that way. However, I have to say, I respect the direction that one candidate is trying to go, and his willingness to turn his back on his past fleshly sins, and his desire to work toward doing the will of God in turning our country around. You can hate him if you like, but you should at least inform yourself about the truth of him, and his motivation. I will not be holding my nose, nor will I be gagging when I vote for him. I encourage you to watch the video attached and listen closely to what is being said, and then pray about your responsibility this November...

God bless you, every one, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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