October 7, 2016 - "Moral Absolutes?"

Published on 12 April 2024 at 22:08

Chaplain’s Corner

October 7, 2016

Moral Absolutes?

Good Morning Patriots!

Okay, watch out, because I am about to “get on my high horse” as Obama would say, and take a stand for something I am passionate about. Agree with me, or not, this is how I feel, and I wanted to articulate my stand so there can be no misunderstanding of the issue or how and why I feel the way I do.


For the record, there are MANY things in life that can be looked at from a multitude of perspectives, and can be argued eloquently from many different interpretations. Very few things in life are so black-and-white that there can be no other legitimate view, belief, or understanding. I know that many people disagree with my stance on abortion, and I accept that. However, I feel compelled to continue to plead my case against not only abortion, but the very idealistic society that supports it.


Let me first start out with an illustration. Take something like mathematics. There are some very highly specialized fields of mathematics, including algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and even further up the chain approaching quantum theory, etc. However, no matter how complicated you make mathematics, it is all boiled down to a basic set of values and presets that are non-negotiable and absolute. One plus one equals two. Period. As you learn simple, basic addition and subtraction, you use these absolutes to build on, and then you work your way up to multiplication and division, and continue to build on the previous absolutes. There may be an occasional “exception to the rule” in certain complicated formulas designed my men, but the very basic nature of mathematics is still, by nature, simple in essence, and based on absolutes. You can theorize and philosophize all you want, and seek to confuse people with double talk and complicated formulas, but you never can change the absolute nature of one plus one equals two.


Now, I use this as an example of our own lives. Many people now want to believe that man has descended from accidents in the universe, with no Grand Creator, no Designer, no Originator. Their whole reason for this stance is not because it makes so much more scientific sense. It is because they do not want to be trapped into admitting that there is a moral authority in life. They do not want to have to admit that we were designed and created by a higher power that has a right to impose certain moral absolutes on the universe.  In their attempts to rid Society of the existence of God, they have a real agenda of also ridding Society of any and all moral absolutes. Thus, they can establish themselves as “god” and be their own judges of right and wrong. They honestly feel that if they ignore the truth, then the truth is relegated to non-existence, and thereby foolishly think that they have nullified the importance of moral absolutes in life.


What are moral absolutes? These are the very foundation, the building blocks, on which all other things in life are based when it comes to the human condition. If we do not agree to a simple set of moral absolutes, then we cannot agree on anything, really. If you believe that one plus one always equals seven, and your neighbor believes that one plus one equals 23, then neither of you will ever be able to agree on any mathematical equation, because you are both flawed from the outset. You both feel that your own opinion should be the standard, and thus everyone can set their own standard, and the insanity of that, is that the result is: no standard!


When the Liberals and the Conservatives fight over abortion, they are fighting over a very basic truth in nature: life itself. When people consider themselves capable of over-riding God and His absolute moral authority of preserving the sanctity of life, then they set themselves up as their own “god” and thus in so doing, find themselves fighting against God Himself! What a seriously desperate situation to find oneself in! Are you fighting against God and His authority to dictate moral absolutes in your life?


If there are no moral absolutes, because there is no God, then it begs the question: What constrains us from doing anything we want in life? Is murder okay? No? Why not? Is it immoral? How can it be if there are no moral absolutes? And whose moral absolutes are we referring to? It cannot be mankind’s moral absolutes, because mankind is constantly changing, and new generations of people are always rebelling from previous generations, and so morals come and go at the whim of those people. There is no absolute and unchangeable morals that man can lay claim to. The only absolute and unchanging moral absolutes we can embrace are those created by a supreme being, the Author of all creation and substantive thought. As the Creator, He has the authority to dictate the moral standard, and to enforce it at His will, and we as puny creation have no leg to stand on in challenging His authority or the legitimacy of His moral absolutes.


So, it is wrong to steal from your neighbor? If so, why? If you don’t see anything wrong with it, on whose authority will you be held accountable? If you do not believe in God’s moral authority, and choose not to acknowledge there is a God who created all things, and you choose to subscribe to a Darwinian philosophy of “accidents” and evolution, and “survival of the fittest,” then you have to ask yourself how we can have a civilized society at all? When the Vikings plundered and killed and ransacked other cultures, because they were stronger, did that make it okay? No? Why not? Because there is a moral standard, an absolute, that we are supposed to live by. People cross that line all of the time, but them doing so simply does not make it right or acceptable.


So, here we are in our debate over abortion. At one point in time, people were trying to argue over when life itself begins. Using that logic, they were trying to place a time frame on when it would be acceptable to abort a fetus, because it was not a viable life form. Over the years, with the advent of better scientific research, we have been able to establish more and more evidence that life begins at the very moment of conception. That “spark” of life can now be seen in videos that have been published during the fertilization of the egg, where you literally see the flashes of light as life begins with a spark. Even for those who do not want to accept that life begins at the very moment of conception, you have to ask yourself this: If doctors and science agree that when your heart stops beating for a measured length of time, you are considered dead, then why could we not also agree that when a heart starts beating, it would also be considered life?


It all comes down to this basic building block, friends. You are either for God, for moral authority, and for the sanctity of life, or you are not. It really is just that simple. You really cannot ride the fence on this one.  And the way you live your life will tell others exactly how you stand. You have to walk your talk. You cannot say, “I love God, or, I am a Christian” and at the same time believe in, or promote abortion on demand. You cannot make excuses for the systematic genocide of millions of babies every year. And, at the risk of really ticking you off, I will go so far as to say that you cannot support those who would endorse, condone, or support the mass murder of babies, which is a benchmark of the Liberals and the Democrat Party. If you support Hillary for President because she is a woman, or because you really don’t like Donald Trump, then by supporting her, you support her Party and her agenda, which includes the continued massacre of innocent babies every year, and to whatever degree possible, the removing of all forms of moral absolutes in our Society and our Country. The debased and heathen Left is seeking to dethrone the God of our Forefathers, and put themselves in His place. That is a frightening and disgusting attitude to have. They are of their father, the devil. If you don’t want to be found guilty by association, then you need to decide now whose side you are on in the big stand-off between good and evil; between the Creator and the wicked one. I stand with God. I stand for moral absolutes. Where do you stand? You need to seriously consider, because things are coming to a head, and soon you will be forced to make a clear choice, and your eternal destiny depends on what side you choose.


God bless you, one and all, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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