June 14, 2016 - "Calling A Spade A Spade"

Published on 12 April 2024 at 21:52

Chaplain’s Corner

June 14, 2016

Calling a Spade a Spade

Good Morning Patriots!

Have you ever heard the expression, "Inciting to riot?" I remember hearing that expression a lot in the 1960's when I was a young man. Back then, as you can remember, our country was engulfed in a Social Justice movement, and tensions were high between groups of people and it was very common to see TV coverage of rioters tearing major metropolitan cities apart through civil unrest and rioting. Fires, looting, millions of dollars in damage, and a general sense of fear and unrest in our nation ensued.

Everyone felt that they had a legitimate grievance, and it was not uncommon to hear people on both sides of the fence calling for violence against the other side. It became apparent that, generally speaking, rioting and other acts of violence were the spawn of hateful and inciteful speech and rhetoric. People who were charismatic in their speech were able to embolden and motivate others to do the violence and harm that they wanted to see done, without having to actually get their own hands "dirty." They could be legally accused of, and prosecuted for, inciting to riot or inciting to violence. Some of these instigators were dealt with, and many were not.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested many times under this and other charges, speciously. Interestingly, Dr. King was NEVER about violent overthrow as a means to an end. He preached a message of love and understanding, and his most famous speech was his "I Have A Dream" wherein he wanted to see an end of bigotry based on color. He longed for a day when black children and white children would play together, and a man would be measured and judged, not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character. This was far from hate speech. It was far from inciting to riot or inciting to violence. His was a message of love and peace and understanding.

On the flip side, we had/have Malcom X and his goons, as well as others like Louis Farrakhan, Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, etc. who have historically preached a message of hate and violence. No matter how legitimate their concerns or complaints may be, the validity of the message is lost in the delivery and the actions of the crowds of "sheeple" who do the bidding of these evil entities, who stand back and claim innocence, due to not having actually committed the crimes themselves. Should they not be held to a standard of public conduct? Should they not be investigated and prosecuted for their constant barrage of public outcry asking for violence against their perceived enemies?

This all leads me to today's point. We just had a tragedy in Orlando, Florida. There were 49 or 50 people killed and at least 53 injured by a crazed jihadist who called 911 and pledged his support to ISIS and he was heard screaming Allahu Akbar as he murdered innocent civilians in his own personal war on America and the gay culture. Was this a random act? Was he a "lone gunman" who had mental issues and just "snapped?" Or was he a part of a bigger picture, a bigger problem, a cultural issue that we are not addressing today?

We already know he was a disciple of a Muslim leader who recruits people and trains them to perform jihad. This leader has a record and has even spent time in prison, and was still released early, even though Federal Prosecutors warned the Judge that he was just going to go back to recruiting and training. And he is not alone. There are Muslim Imams all over this country and all over the world who will, with one side of their mouth, say that they are the "religion of peace," and out of the other side of their mouth they are preaching to their people a message of hate and derision and violence. Their very own Sharia Law that they hold so sacred gives the death sentence for homosexuality. There are some areas of the United States, like Dearborn, MI and others, where the whole area has been taken over by the Muslim culture and Sharia Law is being practiced and inflicted with disdain. There are "no-go" zones there where non-Muslims are not even allowed to walk the public streets without being attacked.

How is it that our Government is not taking action against these "inciters" to violence, murder, and jihad? Some may tag "Freedom of Speech" or "Freedom of Religion," but is that what our Constitution is really protecting? Remember the adage that you may have the freedom of speech, but you still cannot yell "fire" in a crowded theater and not receive due recompense for your actions. When these leaders in the Muslim communities all across America and all over the world continue to saturate their followers with a constant diet of hate and encouragement to violence, as well as giving aid to those who are doing so, then how can we not hold them accountable? How can we continue to let them vomit their vile filth with disdain and still protect their "rights" to free speech and religion when it is all a facade and smokescreen for the real agenda of the Islamic life: total domination of the world, and every aspect of life of all people, from government, to law, to finances, to "religious" philosophy and practice. It has nothing to do with "peace" or "love" or pure worship of a higher power. It is man-made, and it is instituted and supported by violence and overthrow of other cultures and religions of the earth.

The endgame is what is so dangerous. When in the minority, they speak out about how peaceful they are, how misunderstood they are, and how all they want to do is have the freedom to worship. They play the "oppressed" card with style. As they get more and more concessions, and as their numbers grow, they get much more vocal about their "rights" and more and more public in their presence. When there are sufficient numbers, their whole demeanor changes and they become the vile, hate-spewing, bullies that take over the area and push their brand of hate and intolerance on everyone around them. It is an invasion, and we are being conquered from within.

The shooter in Orlando was born here in the United States of immigrant parents. However, he was raised with a poisoned mind and he learned early on how to not only hate others, but he trained to have the ability to inflict maximum harm and carnage on them. His mind was poisoned and he acted out on what he had been trained to do, with the devout belief that what he was doing was GOOD and what his "god" wanted him to do. He is not alone in this behavior. It is pervasive and constant and going on all over the world today, and anyone's attempt at being "Politically Correct" and call it anything other than what it is, is either seriously deluded, or is a serious part of the problem. Either way, we have to address the very real problem of Islam in the world today, and the devastating effects it is having all over the world. We cannot contain this problem here at home until we call it what it is, and move forward to rid ourselves of the cancer that is eating us up from the inside.

As a Christian, I am vilified by the Left for taking a moral stand on things like homosexuality, but nothing I have ever said or done or encouraged anyone else to do has ever been violent or aggressive toward the LGBT. I stand by my moral compass, and I still publicly state that I love the sinner and hate the sin. I feel that way about any and all sexual sin, including that between men and women having sex outside of marriage, so I am not picking on the gay community. Having said that, my hope and prayer is that everyone who is living a life of sin of any kind be convicted in their heart of that sinful nature, and beg God's forgiveness and beg Him to help them overcome the weaknesses of the flesh, rather than celebrate them as being "good" and "acceptable" and "just an alternate lifestyle." So please do not try to lecture me about how Christians are the problem. Any effort to do so is an exercise in futility and is ludicrous, to say the least.

So, then, to sum up: I am a Christian, and I am vocal about my beliefs, but I do not spew hatred or promote the killing of people for committing what I consider "sin." I am also a Patriot, and love my country that was established on Biblical standards of moral conduct and law. As such, I am willing to stand my ground solidly against not just "ISIS," but any and all who would seek the destruction of our country and way of life from without or within. That applies not only to armed soldiers dropping from the sky by parachute, but also to cowardly jihadists who hide in our midst under the veil of "religion" to attack us from within. I love the sinner, but hate the sin. And when the sin is so ingrained in a person's head and heart that they feel justified in seeking to harm or kill my family, my friends, or my fellow countrymen, then I will step up to that challenge. I will not stand idly by and watch as our country is destroyed from within by sanctimonious "Politically Correct" vendors of vitriol and hate. I have a moral standard which I will not force on anyone else, but when someone else steps over the line of demarcation to try to force their immoral and ungodly views or beliefs on me or mine, I WILL stand my ground with a force to be reckoned with... and I know for a fact that I am not alone in feeling this way.

Brothers and sisters, we are under attack as the very fabric of our society is being torn to shreds and all morals and bits of common decency are being destroyed right before our eyes. Whether it is the Liberal Left or Radical Islam or whatever other form it takes, we need to stand firm and together, and be of good resolve to prepare for a battle of hearts, minds, and souls. This world and the flesh are temporary, but our souls are eternal, so the decisions we make now will affect our eternity. It's time to get right... or get left...

God Bless you, every one, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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