June 10, 2016 - "If I Had Just . . . "

Published on 12 April 2024 at 21:50

Chaplain’s Corner

June 10, 2016

If I Had Just . . . 

Good Morning, Patriots!

I have to say that today is a sad day for me. I just learned last night that one of us is now gone, taken away by the ravages of deep depression. Since this blog goes out to other postings and is public, I will not give details of whom I am speaking, to honor the privacy of the family. Just know that we lost one of our own, and we didn't even know about it for almost a month.

This gentleman of whom I speak was a III% United Patriot of Indiana, and was known by many. However, interestingly, most, if not all of us, were unaware that his Facebook name and profile was completely made up. The name was fictitious, and the relationship status of "single" masked the fact that he was a married man. I still do not know the details other than to say that he was suffering from deep depression, and ended up killing himself. The State Police found him in his vehicle. This happened on May 18, 2016, and none of us found out about it until yesterday, June 9, 2016, by means of his Facebook page having an announcement about his death. It took a lot of searching to find out who he really was and the death notice in the newspaper. I am saddened to know that he was so desperate that he felt that this was the only answer...

This gives rise to my wanting to encourage all of you to be more aware of our brothers and sisters, and be sensitive to their needs. I am not asking anyone to betray a trust, but if you are aware of someone who is having a real struggle with issues, whether they be family issues, financial issues, emotional or spiritual issues, etc., and you are aware that it is taking a real toll on them, please take the time to intervene as a friend. Ask questions. Offer to help, or offer to find help. Feel free to get in touch with me if you feel comfortable doing so, and I will be happy to intercede when and where I can. I am a good listener, I can offer good advice, and I know how to keep a confidence. Just know that as your Chaplain, any advice I give, or encouragement I offer, will have a definite Spiritual edge to it. I honestly cannot think of any problems in life that anyone could have that would not have an answer that involved God or a relationship with Him. He is so much bigger than any of our problems, and recognizing that, and feeling the power of comfort that His Holy Spirit can bring to our hearts is liberating, to say the least.

I hope that we can all learn from and benefit from the lessons that we learn in life every day, and especially when they end in catastrophe for someone we know. Our brother is no longer hurting. But think about his wife and family. She has already moved away to go home to be with her family. Imagine the hurt and emptiness she and her family feel now. Just think how many times in the last month, she has uttered the phrase, "If I had just..." Please don't let yourself get to the point where you have regrets about friends and family, and find yourself saying, "If had just..."

I want you to know that I pray for the III% UPI every day as a group, but I also have specific prayers I offer for specific people and concerns when I am made aware of needs. I am always happy to add a name to my list, so please feel free to let me know if and when you have a specific concern. Meanwhile,

God Bless you, every one, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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