May 4, 2016 - "Why Are You Not Voting?"

Published on 12 April 2024 at 20:15

Chaplain’s Corner

May, 04, 2016

Why Are You Not Voting?

Good morning, Patriots!

I was on Facebook this morning, and was reading various people's reactions to the polls, the voting process, and the race for President. I saw more than one person post that they will simply not vote at all, since they cannot, in good conscience, support any of the candidates they see right now, for various reasons. I can certainly understand the sentiment, but I have a perspective on that, and answered in a lengthy response. After posting my view, I felt that perhaps it would serve well, being shared here. Here is a transcript of my reply on the Facebook post:


"Neil Davis, I understand your frustration. I also admire someone who stands on a principle. I would like to speak to your statement, though, if I may. In a perfect world, we could have perfect people represent us, and voting would be easy. However, it's not a perfect world, and we sometimes have to settle for the lesser of the evils. Please let me give you an example. When the Titanic was designed and built, they did not have enough lifeboats. They figured they would never need them. When it began to sink, a decision had to be made about saving lives. Every person on that ship was a precious life in God's eyes, and every person deserved to be saved. No one deserved to die. Not one person on that ship should have to drown. The right thing to do was to save them all in the lifeboats. But they could not do the "right" thing. There were not enough lifeboats for everyone. Then, a decision had to be made. If we can't save everyone, then by principle, should we save no one? Since one life is as precious as the other, should we stand on principle and say that if we can't save them all, then we save none of them? To keep things equal and fair? Of course not! The Captain made the right choice. He said to save as many as possible, starting with women and children. Most of the men who watched their families go out in the lifeboat were willing to die as long as their families were safe. They paid the ultimate price to ensure their families would live and prosper even in the face of tragedy. No one was happy about what happened. No one was overjoyed about the solution. But the decision to save a few was better than a decision to lose all of them. It's not always about being fair. Sometimes it's just about making the hard decisions and literally dealing with the hand that has been dealt to you. I was a Ted Cruz supporter, and voted for him yesterday. I am very disappointed that he did not win the State or the nomination. I have a lot of things I don't like about Trump. But I have already pledged that if Trump wins the nomination, I would vote for him. While holding my nose. With tears in my eyes. Not because I am thrilled with the idea of Trump being President, but because the only other outcome is a real tragedy of monumental proportions. Hillary or Bernie, either one, will certainly to be the nails in the coffin for our country. We cannot come back from 8 years of Obama if either of these two is elected. It is total destruction of the very fabric of our country. A vote for the Libertarian Party would send a strong message that you don't want to support either Party, and might make you feel better about your principles, but the reality is that a vote for the Libertarian Party right now would be a total waste, and would just as well be a vote for the Democrats. If we had a charismatic leader in the Libertarian movement who had come on the scene and really made waves with the American public, and had some real national support, and had been a real contender, then I could see pushing them over the edge with support. We may very well have a viable candidate in the Libertarian Party someday, and we may actually see a Libertarian President, but this is not going to be the year that happens. So, ultimately, the decision is this: do you want to be part of the decision to completely destroy the very essence of America by not voting, and thereby assuring the Democrats of take-over? Or are you willing to make the hard decision to save who and what we can, and vow to make things better in the future? Right now, it's pretty much "do or die" and as much as I dislike Trump, I am not willing to roll over and play dead for the Democrats, either. So my decision is to support whoever wins the GOP nomination. I am still a Tea Party Conservative, and I still have hopes that we can make large gains forward in taking our country back, but for now, we need to choose our battles, and choose wisely."


I welcome your input. This blog is really not supposed to be politically charged, as the Chaplain is supposed to be here for spiritual and emotional support. But I do honestly believe that it is very difficult to separate what is going on in politics right now from our responsibilities as good American citizens on every level of our lives: political, spiritual, emotional, practical. As members of the III%, we are here to stand for something. We are here to take sides. We are here to promote all of the ideals of our Founding Fathers, and those original documents they created: The Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Basic human freedoms and a real moral compass are part and parcel of what we stand for, and are willing to fight for. So, really, how can we stand on the sidelines and not participate?

God Bless you, each and every one, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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