June 22, 2016 - "Growing In Grace"

Published on 12 April 2024 at 21:56

Chaplain’s Corner

June 22, 2016

Growing In Grace

Good Morning Patriots!

It has been a few days since I last posted a blog, and in those days a lot of things have happened. Let's just say that I am eager to see what God has in store for me. The winds of change have started blowing, and I am at peace in my heart knowing that He is in control, He loves me, and He has a plan for me. I want to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and answer His call in whatever He has in mind for me to do.

Having said that, what I end up doing for a paycheck is irrelevant compared to what I do for my Lord. I have been called to ministry, and I want to be obedient to that call, every day. My purpose in being the State Chaplain for the group, and for posting this blog, is to point the way continuously to the only answer we need in life. My relationship with God is a living, growing thing, that gets better and stronger every day. I want to evangelize when I can, and share the good news of the Gospel as I can, but I feel a very real calling to be an encourager and an enabler to my brothers and sisters in the faith. It is my desire to inspire all those that know me and interact with me regularly. I want them to not see me, the imperfect man, but to see the God I worship and love.

I wanted to share this list with you. It is on a piece of paper I found in one of my suits, so I honestly do not remember when or where I received it, and there are no markings on it that would enable me to give credit to the author of this list. I did not write this list, but I believe it speaks to all of us, and I wanted to share it with all of you:

Growing in Grace

  1. Read and reflect on the Bible daily.
  2. Worship weekly with the community of faith.
  3. Take time each day to be still and listen for God.
  4. Give up one meal each month ("fast") and give the money that would have gone to that meal to the poor.
  5. Forgive your friends and family members daily.
  6. Practice self-denial when something you want is not a need.
  7. Give thanks to God for the many blessings in your life.
  8. Share what you have with those who have nothing.
  9. Offer hospitality to church visitors.
  10. Practice and learn to be comfortable with solitude.
  11. Receive the sacrament of Communion in worship when it is offered.
  12. Sing hymns and spiritual songs to God.
  13. Share your faith story with a friend.
  14. Speak out for those who experience injustice.
  15. Spend time regularly in Christian fellowship with others.
  16. Confess your sins to others in the community of faith.
  17. Speak the truth in love when someone needs to hear it.
  18. Reconcile with others when your relationship with them is broken.
  19. Take part in faith formation activities, such as Sunday School or small group studies.
  20. Answer God's call in your life.
  21. Care for God's creation.
  22. Be a good steward of your time.
  23. Care for your body through regular exercise and healthy eating habits.
  24. Pray for others daily.
  25. Practice discernment when you have decisions to make.


God Bless you, every one, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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