May 30, 2016 - "What Do We Do About Sin?"

Published on 12 April 2024 at 21:42

Chaplain’s Corner

May 30, 2016

What Do We Do About Sin?

Good Morning Patriots!

It is Memorial Day, and I am here at home, on my computer, drinking a cup of coffee, and enjoying a much-needed day off work. I am reflective on life this morning, and somber about the sacrifices that our fallen heroes paid to ensure our freedom and way of life.

It is my hope and prayer that I can personally do something every day that will make life a little better for someone. Some random act of kindness, some thoughtful word of appreciation, some gesture toward another that may mean so much more to them than I realize. I want to matter in this life. I want to make a difference in other people's lives. And I want to do it for one reason: to bring glory and honor to my God, to my Lord and Savior. I want to walk the walk, and talk the talk, and spread the love as Jesus did while He walked the earth. One thing that Jesus did was always treat others with love and compassion, while at the same time standing firm on truth.

Remember the occasion where the woman was about to be stoned? Remember she had been caught in sexual sin, and the elders had judged her worthy of death, and were about to stone her? Remember that? It's interesting, and of prime importance that we remember the WHOLE story. After He said, "He who is without sin cast the first stone," and they dissipated and walked away, Jesus offered her a hand up off the ground. Interestingly, after defending her to the crowd, Jesus did NOT tell her to go ahead and live whatever lifestyle she wanted, because God loved her. No, he looked her right in the eye and said, "Go, and sin no more."

Jesus loves all of mankind, and does not want to see any of us lost. He paid the price of admission to heaven for ALL of us, and the only thing we have to do is accept. However, so many people want things on their own terms, and want to make it all so complicated. They seek to re-define the Scriptures and God's love, and set standards and rules for themselves and their fellow man. They want to judge others, and decide for themselves who they think are "real" Christians, and those who are "fake" Christians.

Jesus said that before we try to remove the straw from our brother's eye, we need to extract the rafter from our own eye. Quit trying to judge others, and work on our own lives before God. Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior is simply the first step to a life-long relationship with Him, and a new walk in this earth. Having accepted His Grace does not make us suddenly sinless or perfect in this flesh. It simply causes us to be re-born in God's sight, and allows us entry into the Holy of Holies to stand before our God in prayer and praise and worship as sinless, and washed clean by the blood of the Lamb. It does not, however, necessarily change our flesh all at once. Our sinful desires, our wayward eye, our foul language, our "winking" at sin, our walking as close to the edge as possible and flirting with sin... all of these things and more are still with us in the flesh, and these are things we need to work to overcome. God does give us His Holy Spirit as a Helper, and will bless our efforts to "go, and sin no more," but sadly, we still sin every single day in this flesh. So how are we to "sin no more?"

Jesus was speaking to the specific sin that this woman was accused of, which was sexual sin, when he told her to "sin no more." There are many things we do without thought, that are less-than-stellar in God's eyes. However, there are MANY things we do every day that are purposeful, and the result of a conscious decision we make. When a married man flirts with a woman at work, he is making a conscious decision to defile the sanctity of his own marriage. When a Christian man decides to look at pornography, it is no accident. He is purposefully filling his mind and heart with lustful desires for women he has no right to. When he is inflamed in passion for what his eyes see, he commits adultery in his mind and in his heart, and in so doing, he is just as guilty before a pure and righteous God as if he had done so in the flesh.

Many of us are "addicts" in one way or another. Some are addicted to alcohol, and find that it is easy to over-indulge to the extent of drunkenness. Others are addicted to drugs, whether legal prescription drugs, or street drugs. Others are addicted to money and the pursuit thereof. Others are addicted to their sexual desires and the constant pursuit of the next conquest. Many consider that just a big game to be played with precision as if it were a game of chess, with great strategy. The list could go on and on, but I think my point is well made.

So, the question is: How do you see yourself and your relationship with our Perfect, Righteous, Omnipotent, Glorious, Wonderful, Holy God? If you are a child of God, do you feel comfortable walking right up to His throne and climbing up in His lap and figuratively holding his face in your hands as a child would do for a Daddy they love? Or do you consider yourself a "red-headed stepchild" that no one loves or wants, and you try to stay in the shadows, away from scrutiny? What kind of relationship do you desire? What do you expect or long for out of this life? Are you willing to pursue a close relationship with Him? Are you willing to ask God to change you and your heart? Less of you, and more of Him in your life? Do you want to experience as much "heaven-on-earth" as you can in this life, or do you seek the fading thrills of a sinful world and it's desires while in this flesh? Remember: you cannot serve two masters. Choose one and commit yourself to Him. There is nothing in this world that can match the joy and peace that comes from having a real, living relationship with the God Who loves you, and wants to bless you.

As an aside, I wanted to make one last comment. In a conversation I had last night, I was told that there were some, if not many, who may have read my last blog about sin, that may have disagreed with me or been offended by my comments. There were those who did not read all the way to the end of the lengthy article to see how everything weaved together, and instead, decided to be offended. All I can say is that one of the many reasons I write such long blogs and articles is because I have to say what is on my heart at the given moment, and I strive to get the message across in a way that cannot be misunderstood or confused. I seek to be totally truthful and honest in my assessment of life, people, attitudes, and relationships. If I have said something to offend you, please ask yourself what it is that offended you? Was I too blunt? Did I word it in a way that you felt I was being rude in my comments? Do you think I was purposefully trying to be offensive? Or is it possible that the words were touching a sore spot in your heart, and you reacted badly due to shame before our God? Are you being convicted of secret sin in your life? If so, respond to that conviction. Deal with it. Pray about it. If necessary, seek advice and help from a trusted friend who will point you to the only source of answers that we can all rely on: The Holy Bible.

I love all of you, and wish you no harm. I want to encourage, not discourage. However, in my flesh, I still make mistakes and fall short every day, so I ask that you all do me one big favor: Pray for me. I ask that everyone who feels that I am wrong or mistaken in my understanding of Scripture please pray to God that He reveals to me the error of my understanding, and teaches me Truth. If you feel that I am too much in the flesh in my opinions or articles, I ask you to pray for me, asking God to bring less of me and more of Him to the forefront in my life. I believe in the power of prayer, and sincerely ask each and every one of you reading this to exercise the great power you have by praying for me, so that God will work on me and change me and use me as He sees fit. Please: pray for me, and know that I pray for you.

God Bless you, every one, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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