May 12, 2016 - "What Is Your Foundation?"

Published on 12 April 2024 at 20:23

Chaplain’s Corner

May 12, 2016

What Is Your Foundation?

Good Morning Patriots!

I feel a burden this morning to talk with you about foundations. Foundations? No, I am not talking about the concrete slab under your house. However, that is a great illustration of the point. In the Bible there was a story about a man who built his house on the sand, and one who built his house on solid rock. You all know the story. The principle remains the same.

Now, this morning, I was on Facebook and I posted a meme from last year that was about the fact that 100% of the Democratic Senators had voted in favor of abortion all the way up until birth. Here was what I wrote there on my post:


"I ask once again: how can ANYONE who claims to have an ounce of moral fortitude in their being agree with this? How can anyone support or vote for the Democratic Party or any of it's candidates? In a litmus test of differences in ideologies between the concept of Democrat versus Republican, Liberal versus Conservative, it is truly boiled down to one major difference, and the most important one of all. Life is sacred. Innocent children's lives are sacred. Regardless of age. And pre-born children are still real, human lives. If we declare someone dead when their heart stops beating, why can we not declare someone alive when their heart starts beating? Forget all of the other differences in Party affiliations. Without life, nothing else matters. The one most important concept is to preserve and protect the sanctity of life, especially the innocent lives of children. If you can't get on board with that line of thought, then you are really lost, have no moral compass, and in my opinion, are sick in your soul. And remember that ANYTHING you do to promote or support the Liberal Democrat agenda puts you on the wrong side of life and morality right from the start. Search your heart and decide if you can and will continue to support, defend, and promote any ideology that's first and foremost difference is the total lack of appreciation for, or value of, life in its most innocent and fragile state..."


I am asking each and every one of you here to look at yourself, and ask, "What kind of foundation is my life built on?" Are you building your life and future on a solid Rock? Or are you building on the sand, susceptible to the ravages of wind and rain? If you do not have the moral fortitude to put life first, as being the most sacred of God's creations, then what else matters? We can all differ on philosophical points of discussion, and sometimes agree to disagree on things that are of little consequence. But how do you find a common ground with someone who does not respect the very sanctity of life itself? Where do you find your common ground?

I have stated before that I have withdrawn my support for the Republican Party as a whole, because of their gravitating too close to the Left and compromising my Conservative principles. That does not mean I am voting for anyone in the Democratic Party. It simply means that I consider myself Independent, and no one can count on my vote simply by Party affiliation. I vote my Christian Constitutional Conservative Conscience. I can bend on some points, but on others, I cannot bend, flex, or move away from the basic premise of the sanctity of life. Jesus Christ is my foundation that I build my life on, and as the Rock, He will help me weather the storms of life, and build a solid future for me and my family. What is your foundation? What do you hold dear and sacred in your life? How does that affect your decisions in life? Do you vote your wallet, or your conscience? Do you walk your talk? What is your foundation?

God Bless you, one and all, and:
God Bless America!
Stephen King

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